And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” Matthew 9:27

Help for the Humble

In Matthew 9:27 we read of two blind men who came to Jesus at the end of their ropes. Without sight and without resources they find themselves calling out to Jesus for mercy. If you read further into the passage Jesus was able to restore their sight and their hope. The men traveled around telling everyone about the saving power of Rabbi Jesus.

Being a people of faith we hold that miracles continue today. Jesus still saves today, healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind, and freeing people from the power of demons. Part of my own story is the miraculous healing from never-ending migraines as demonic power was dealt with in my life. There is rescue for people that humble their hearts before God.

Jesus still opens the eyes of the blind

Healing Spiritual Blindness

We don’t need to wait to be blind to cry out to Jesus. I believe this is an important message for our world today. In Matthew 9:27 the blind men cried out because they had no one else to turn to for help. Jesus was their only option. All people are born into sin. We have all been born into a blindness that, if not dealt with, will bind us in chains and send us to Hell. We only have one option for salvation.

There will come a point of crisis in every Christian’s life. If we don’t humble our lives before God, we will become completely blind. In my case demonic power oppressed me and inflicted me with debilitating pain and dizziness. I needed Jesus but I didn’t know what was happening. I needed to cry out and humble my heart. 

Today is the Day of Rescue

Joel 2:32 reminds us that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Reading on: “for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be rescue…”

For everyone who cries out to God there will be rescue. This rescue is not for those who say a quick prayer or attend a service but don’t include God in their everyday life. This salvation is for those who are at the end of their rope. It is for people who humble their hearts and they cry out to God. “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Have you come to terms with the fact that you have sinned against a Holy God and you need His salvation? When we turn our hearts, our minds, and our lives toward Jesus, He gives us a peace that He will never abandon us. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to seek rescue from Christ.


Dear Lord, whatever the reader today may be going through, I pray that your peace would come upon them. I pray that as we humble our hearts and our minds before Jesus the Messiah, that you would provide divine inspiration about what our next steps before you will be. You have promised to provide for Your children so today we declare that we trust in Your plan Jesus, and whatever you call us to do, we will do it. 

Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash