Monday, October 2, 2017 – Archived Post from Salvation Soldier Blog

Read your Bible, pray every day,

Pray every day, pray every day,

Read your Bible, pray every day,

And you’ll grow, grow, grow

My biggest concern with Sunday school songs is not how the kids react to them, but the adults. I have 4 kids and I see the results from the songs. They believe the words, they trust in God, they learn the principles they need to live by. How, though, do the adults react. Do we think that we have outgrown these simple songs. Do we think we don’t need the values they teach?

As I grow older I am amazed at how much my every day holiness is dependent on easy to understand principles I learned in Sunday school. “Jesus loves me”, not because my parents say so but because we have a trustworthy source in the Scriptures to show us the way. If I “Whisper a prayer in the morning” at noon, and in the evening I will do so much better at keeping my heart in tune with Jesus. Father Abraham really did have a lot of sons…  okay that one may not be life changing, but what a great song right?

The next month and a half at the Sunbury Salvation Army we are going to be studying the early movement of the body believers, the church in Jerusalem and Holy Spirit’s work in the latter part of Acts 2. This is the movement that eventually led to billions claiming Jesus as their Lord in our world today. In Acts 2:42 we read that at first, “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching…”.

Soldiers Reading the Bible

The church was grounding themselves In the teaching of the apostles, their leaders who received their gospel message directly from Jesus Himself. Today we have the most important parts of that message contained in the New Testament of the Bible. These are books written by the followers of Jesus and influenced by the apostles so today we might also be changed by the message of Jesus.

The Bible has always been the first resource of the church. In it we believe we have the most authority from God to understand His will for us and our world. We find the testimony of the prophets, the apostles, and the words of God and Jesus. It is His letter to us and it is absolutely trustworthy.

Dwight L. Moody

D. L. Moody is often quoted saying, “The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible”. When I hear it I connect it to Sunday school, to a song I sing with the kids still today because I want them to remember and believe it even when they are fully grown and ready to take on the world for Jesus. “Read your Bible, pray every day, and you’ll grow… Neglect your Bible, don’t every

pray, and you’ll shrink”


Picture of “2 Soldiers Reading a Book” –

Picture of Dight L. Moody – Public Domain

All Scripture was taken from the New Living Translation