Saturday, March 21, 2015 – Archived Post from Salvation Soldier Blog

Snow on the first day of Spring!

Yesterday my wife and I went to see Moses – a production of Sight & Sound in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. We were blessed with the portrayal of a Biblical story with camels, songs, huge video screens and sets and very creative ideas to portray events like baby Moses traveling down the Nile River in a basket and Moses parting the red sea.

The production was excellent, and the reminder of the Passover story was timely, with Passover coming in a few short weeks.

I have been thinking about how the story of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt teaches us that God’s words never fail.

When Moses met with God at the burning bush God told Moses that after God would stretch out His hand and strike the Egyptians with wonders the king of Egypt would let them go. After each plague Moses would visit Pharaoh and warn him of judgments that were coming and time after time Pharaoh would refuse to let the Israelites go. Moses kept coming, and God kept His word. After time in the wilderness God would again keep His word and Joshua would lead Israel into the land that was promised by God to Abraham’s descendants.

For so many religious people these days truth is something that is subject to the changing opinions of the world. As culture changes our moral outlook is being changed, and the changes are applauded as progress. Truths God has established forever in His Scriptures are being dismissed even by those who identify as followers of Jesus. Marriage, sexuality, the sanctity of human life, sin and salvation are all being challenged by Christians claiming to be progressive in thought. Scriptures that have established and defined our faith for thousands of years are being replaced with teachings that come from what people desire to be true.

I would urge anyone who puts their faith in Jesus to remember why He came.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

In our rush to love others we can’t forsake our love for Christ. Jesus died for a reason. We all have sinned and we all need a savior. In evangelism our job is the same as John the Baptist. We must prepare people for the salvation of Jesus Christ by calling them to repent of their sins. We must reach out in love, but with a message that will break people’s hearts. If people do not recognize the severity of their sin they will not recognize the glory of Jesus’ grace. 

We can’t afford to redefine what is sin according to culture, not with what is at stake.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 5:35 –Jesus

Sources: All Scripture is from the New International Version