Saturday, March 28, 2015 – Archived Post from Salvation Soldier Blog

We just got home from a nice trip to visit family so I haven’t had much time to write, but I wanted to share few thoughts that I have after reading Luke chapter 1 with my wife.

I am reminded with how God moved with the families of John the Baptist and Jesus. These were families of people who were faithful to God and followed their religion in faith, but they were not the leaders of the Jewish religion. Zechariah, and Elizabeth, and Mary, and Joseph all put their hope in God, but were not expecting that their actions would have an impact of believers for all time.

This got me thinking about many more people who God has used in the Bible. Peter and the apostles were truly a band of misfits who had in common only the guiding hand of Jesus. Elisha the great prophet in the book of 2 Kings started out as a farmer. The Jewish people who God used to bring our Messiah Jesus to the world started out as shepherds. King David started out as a runt with too big of a mouth. The list goes on of all the imperfect people that God has used and it has me thinking.

I want to see revival in the church. I want to see many millions surrender their souls to Jesus Christ and be saved from their sins through His sacrifice on the cross. I want to see people’s lives resurrected from sin into the service of the Kingdom of God. 

What I want to say is don’t expect revival to come from the great halls of religion. Don’t expect change to come from church government. Biblical revival so often is found with the faithful nobodies. You are the one God wants to use to spark it. When you give yourself fully to God you can be used to change the world around you. You can be used to bring people to Jesus. You can be used to awaken the Holy Spirit in your church.

Don’t give up!